
Gaming, Technology and other stuff

Accident – Out Now!

It’s never nice to think about serious accidents, I don’t even think about my ex-wife because that was one hell of an accident, but these things happen and what’s most important is how we deal with it.

With a flurry of unsolved accidents, it’s time to take control of a nosey journalist who’s going to try to right a few wrongs and bring closure to the victims, If that doesn’t sound amazing, watch this trailer, because I can’t wait to face some serious accidents.

Xbox and PlayStation players who haven’t got the chance to get their hands on Accident yet, can now take on the role of a professional journalist, investigating many car accidents, crashes, off-roads and others, all in the attempt to uncover the truth of each case. Make choices which can impact the outcome of each mission including the fates of the crash survivors looking for aid.
Your role:

  • Secure the area of oncoming traffic
  • Check for survivors
  • Make choices which have real consequences
  • Help victims and perform first aid to save lives
  • Find crucial evidence to uncover clues
  • Reconstruct the scene and reveal the truth

“Accident is finally on Xbox and PlayStation, it was the logical next step in our journey as a studio, and we’re pleased to see it materialize,” said Michał Szewerniak, Game Director and Vice President of the Management Board of Duality Games. “With it, we close up a fantastic year in 2022, which saw us constantly working and releasing great games for our fans, and prepares us for 2023, a year that we assure you will be full of surprises!”

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