
Gaming, Technology and other stuff

The Callisto Protocol  – Review

Visually the Callisto Protocol is a masterpiece with brilliant vibrant graphics, I’m not really a big fan of Sci-fi horror games but aesthetically this game feels like a new Dead Space that’s been designed for the new generation and mashed together with a touch of Gears of War.

You might say what has Gears of War got to do with this, well its hard to explain but the way the character Jacob moves around it has it similarities with its cumbersome combat system but without the role out of the ways option.

From the get-go your emerged into the a story a pilot tasked with delivering a shipment to the Black Iron Prison. Sadly, everything goes tits up when your boarded by terrorists which in turn causes your ship to crash-land on a infested planet of biophage’s . Jesus this shits just got real.

While being led to being rescued by some nice folk at Black Iron, your new notorious prison warden has a change of heart and locks you up just because your face doesn’t fit. Due to this he decides to implant some crazy device into the back of your neck. Not going to lie it looked like it hurt while watching the story cinematics. have to say it does help you in the game to see how much health you actually have left.

Suddenly the prison goes into Covid 19 lockdown which leaves you up shits creak without a paddle, for the first few hours of gameplay, it’s all about trial and error of finding your way about the game and understanding the games mechanics. Do I go this way or that way?

Going back to my original statement about the game play and its movement it really does feels a bit like Gears, not being able to swing or dodge an enemy is sometimes tedious to say the least. (If you get this game you’ll understand) but all I can say I can be brutal, if you don’t take the time to learn how to block and attack you may struggle.

You are totally going to having to get upfront and personal with each nasty snotsnarling enemy you encounter. The directional commands are a key factor in this game as you’ll need to dodge duck dive and dodge. Hey, stay out of my head White Goodman : Getting hit can be an instant death.

Being serious for a second the game animations plus death sequences are not bad but sometimes I’d felt a few more variations where needed, yes as you can guess I died a few times.

Once our loveable character discovers a few new weapons the game becomes so much more fun. The grip option becomes a game changer when you locate a guard on the floor brutally mangled and nick his ability.

This new option gives you a massive advantage, being able to grip mobs and being able to throw them about onto nearby spikes and off cliff edges or a moving vehicle is a life saver.

While I’m thinking of this there was a few moments where the game crashed due to glitching moments sending you back to your Xbox dashboard, it didn’t bother me massively, but it annoyed me a couple of times due to having to complete the last checkpoint you’ve just completed for the second time. seriously check out my previous streams on Xbox oldies you may hear me scream and use a few strong words.

Moving from weapon to weapon was one of my biggest gripes with this game, I’ve honestly never screamed so much as reflexes aren’t of a young child of the age of 7.

I’d found this seriously slow while fighting hordes of enemy’s and didn’t help me whilst caressing my Zimmer frame as it got in the way. Yes yes I’m a original XboxOldie.

At the start if the game the baton really serves hardly any purpose it’s like you actually feel like you’re swinging away for the sake of it. But as you progress through the main story line your weapons and blueprints become more fun.

Collecting your Callisto Currency is a must, as you will need these when you confront the local 3D printer you will generally find this machine after most main chapter or a save point but they are never around when you need to offload some extra items.

You seriously need to be mindful buying and selling items as that blueprint or weapon add on is just only a few coins away.

What I couldn’t believe that the system well actually the game doesn’t let you buy more that one thing at a time, seriously this should have been thought threw in the development stage. Sometimes I’d spend so much time buying one at a time, why God why? do we not think about these issues ?

All in all, the games totally worthwhile play, it hay it has its moments and some clunky mechanics but yes, I would recommend this to be played, I just feel its missing something.

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