
Gaming, Technology and other stuff

Hidden Through Time 2: Myths & Magic – Announced

World Indie publisher and developer Rogueside today is pleased to announce that the highly acclaimed Hidden Through Time, released in 2020 across both console, mobile and PC, is well in development for a sequel. This game, aptly named Hidden Through Time 2: Myths & Magic across all platforms (including mobile), is to be released later in the year. Community wish list requests, along with its initial success, will see the sequel expand on many ideas, concepts and simplicity of gameplay to create a bigger, deeper and more expansive/impressive challenge that will continue to captivate gamers of all ages.

Rogueside has a pedigree of creating successful and distinguished titles which include the recent Warhammer 40,000: Shootas, Blood & Teef in partnership with iconic Games Workshop, which succeeded Guns, Gore & Cannoli and its sequel.The premise of Hidden Through Time 2: Myths & Magic, distinguished by its colourful, hand-drawn graphics, ever changing and detailed settings, challenged players to find and collect hidden objects whilst taking the player on a journey of discovery through the ages. The story boarded, highly detailed animated screens help features and immersive gameplay pulls gamers into what is an intuitive, leisurely and moreish experience that is fun to come back to time and time again!Hidden Through Time 2: Myth & Magic’stransformation/upgrade will present improved visuals and sound and the introduction of engaging features for the player to manipulate, such as the added customization options, increased intractability and improved ambience, all of which will make the levels feel more alive and vibrant as the player immerses in their own world with the tools presented. Editors for both structures and characters will enable the player to build their perfect world in the smallest of details.

“The idea for Hidden Through Time originated from those “Where’s Waldo” books everyone had back when they were young. The key difference between us and competitors is the addition of a map editor, enabling the community to create and share their own maps, as well as play other’s creations. One of the big focuses for the sequel is customisation. ”, Jacobein Van den Bergh – Marketing Manager.

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