
Gaming, Technology and other stuff

Way of the Hunter receives accolades.

When Way of the Hunter was first released, I was looking forward to exploring the wilderness and ethically shooting some animals in the face, sadly it’s launch on Xbox was packed with more bugs than a dumpster truck, so I personally got a refund, but I’m certainly planning to return in the future, because it looks like they’ve got the cleaners in.

Today, we’ve been treated to the following accolades trailer to celebrate Way of the Hunter being a deep and immersive hunting sim.

November 10th, 2022: Some weeks ago, 9 Rocks Games and THQ Nordic started the hunting season, releasing Way of the Hunter on PC and consoles. Today, we want to share some of the words of praise we’ve received from players, press, and creators around the world in our new accolades trailer.

Way of the Hunter is available for PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X|S at an SRP of $ 39.99 / € 39.99 / £ 34.99.

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