
Gaming, Technology and other stuff

Weedcraft Inc – Review

Drug use is always a touchy subject, but when just about everything else has seen itself converted to a simulation game, growing and distributing Marijuana is next on line with Weedcraft Inc.

Using mostly 2d screens and flat menu’s, Weedcraft will look very familiar to many PC or even mobile gamers who have played similar business management games.

Weedcraft Inc, gives us a choice of three scenarios, from a young law defying business, to a legal alternative making medical grade marijuana and finally a more established build in California.

whichever path you choose, the core gameplay remains very similar as you make decisions such as which strain and equipment to use, while trying to please your customers and maintaining a happy exterior incase the authorities come sniffing around.

Over the years I’ve played a fair few games like this, dating right back to the late 90’s, so Weedcraft definitely isn’t treading new ground, but it is trying to offer a more complete package, by combining every area you could imagine from growth, to management and distribution.

Diehard fans may get high on the idea of it, but in practice it’s sometimes a little too convoluted with overly complex menus, a far too familiar lack of direction and lack of real pacing which left things feeling a little stretched out and tedious one minute and then too fast moving and unforgiving the next.

Graphically, the screenshots pretty much sum up the expected aesthetic, there’s some animations and moving scenery to make your surrounds works feel a little more alive, but generally disappointing audio, fronted by some pretty bad dialogue, means Weedcraft isn’t going to score too highly for presentation.

There’s nothing inherintly wrong and it all looks clear enough, but some menu’s are overcrowded and confusing and there’s nothign that really stands out as looking great.
Audio doesn’t fair quite as well, with some repetitive tracks and effects, but once again there’ snothign bad, just not enough that stands out as above average.

It’s also worth mentioning the £20+ price tag, for a game that you can find similar titles for half the price (or even less on mobile) it feels pretty steep, which again reaffirms its maybe easier to recommend to this specifically looking for a drug management game.
If the game had been a Pharmacy simulator, where you have to rustle up Paracetamol or Ibuprofen for some guy with a headache, it definitely wouldn’t have had quite the same appeal, but at times it feels like Weedcraft leans a little too heavily on the fact that it’s a game about drugs and fails to really take itself too seriously or serious enough.

While Weedcraft Inc is a competent business management game, it struggles to stand out as a must have game, unless you specifically want something based around the growth and distribution of Marijuana, it’s a much better game than the devleopers last offering “Moonshine Inc” but it sadly shares some of the same issues with a slightly overcomplicated nature, and a little too much emphasis on it being a game about illegal dealings, and not a top quality business management game.

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