
Gaming, Technology and other stuff

A Bright Future – Update for Saints Row

Saints Row had a few struggles at launch, with a below-average 63% over on OpenCritic, It’s fair to say that the reboot of the franchise didn’t quite go as planned, but developers Volition have been hard at work to bring Saints Row up to standard, highlighted by today’s “Bright Future” update packed with over 200 improvements.

The main areas addressed are:

• Focused on improving the co-op player experience by fixing many community reported issues

• Increased stability in both single-player and co-op play

• Fixed issues with some challenge rewards not being granted to the player

• Fixed visual issues with customization

• Added important new quality-of-life features for vehicles, combat, UI and other parts of the game

• Plus even more! Read the full set of change notes below to get the full picture.

You can see the full list of over 200 bug fixes below.

Let’s start with the quality-of-life improvements implemented for this update:

Combat Improvements

Combat should now feel more balanced and engaging, and winning fights should feel more rewarding:

• We have made several improvements to aiming

• We’ve rebalanced combat by drastically reducing the damage of enemy shotguns and SMGs across the board. This should make several key encounters fairer and more fun

• We’ve rebalanced most of the Weapon Ultimate Challenges, simplifying them to make progression feel more rewarding

• Weapon Ultimates now unlock automatically when the challenge is complete so you can get to causing havoc with them right away

• We’ve tweaked the time given to interrupt enemy call-ins for support

• We’ve tweaked the scaling of notoriety to allow players to react to and escape the notoriety loop easier

• We’ve reduced the frequency of stylized deaths on easiest difficulty.

Garage and Vehicle Improvements

Managing and using your fleet of incredible vehicles should now feel far slicker:

• There are seven new Garage locations throughout the world that unlock at the start of “Chop Shop”, so you now have way more options for dropping off and obtaining stored vehicles

• We’ve improved Garage Vehicle list management. You can now favorite, like, and view recent vehicles in the Garage

• We freed up over 50 vehicle customization save slots

• We introduced “vehicle templates” as rewards instead of saving the vehicle to the player’s garage automatically, allowing players to retain more custom vehicle save slots

• We expanded the Vehicle Delivery options with a full garage list, including favorites, liked, and recent vehicles

• We added new drop off location visual telegraphs to the HQ and new Chop Shop locations for driven and flown vehicles.

Open World Gameplay & Criminal Ventures Improvements

We’ve made the first in a series of future changes to make the city and activities within the open world of Santo Ileso more immersive and rewarding:

• We’ve introduced new progression tiers to district completion. Players will now see Saints roaming the streets when they have completed the criminal venture and district threats. At 100% completion, even more Saints will spawn

• We’ve significantly reduced the number of Bright Future Disposals required to completed the venture

• “Chop Shop” vehicle delivery is now accepted at all new locations

• We’ve improved the discovery radius on some collectibles, making them easier to find while exploring the city

UX and other Improvements

• A new voice Pitch Slider during customization will permit players to use a huge new range of voices

• Players now have the ability to equip weapons at HQ without having to walk outside the HQ

• We’ve improved subtitle timings to better match what’s happening on screen

• We’ve implemented support for PlayStation 5’s haptic triggers for weapons

• We’ve improved Color Swatch options to include a truer “black” and wider selection of grays.

Fix List: Co-op

• Fixed an issue where sometimes the Player could lose connection and disconnect during co-op

• Fixed instances of the players icon disappearing from the minimap

• Fixed an instance of Animations of the Partner Player not playing for a Player hit with a thrustbuster while having the camera mode on

• Fixed co-op interaction with the “@cha” Side Hustle which could lead to overwriting or canceling the first interaction, and displaying the objective only for the second player to interact

• Credit is now properly given on the “Kill the Collective” challenge if the “Litterbug” Wanted target is killed in co-op

• Fixed an instance of the Host not being able to build a criminal venture when the Partner Player is waiting to join the active session

• The client player now properly sees tutorial prompts when advancing through “First F#:!ing Day “ in co-op

• Fixed an instance of players not properly spawning on the hoverbike after the first cinematic in “The Great Train Robbery”

• Fixed issues with the boat previews for the Partner Player after using the “Boat Deck” menu at the HQ

• Fixed an issue where the host could lose menu functionality if the client left during a mission after the host selected ‘exit to main menu’

• Vehicle Delivery service now properly delivers cars customized if they were saved in the garage by the player in co-op

• Fixed an issue with turrets shaking while the Partner Player is driving the vehicle

• Fixed a loading issue while the host is on the “Waiting for Partner to join” screen

• Fixed a case where characters could fall under the map in “The Forge” in co-op

• Adjusted shipment car spawn time to avoid triggering mission failures in the “Fast and the Foodiest”

• Fixed a case of mission information not resuming after a player is revived during “Morning Commute”

• Fixed an issue where the Host could fall through the ground in “After Party”

• Fixed a case where the helicopter may not arrive while the Host player is in the APC turret during the “First F#:!ing Day” mission

• Addressed an issue where the host could advance without completing character customization if the client chose to exit during the “First F#:!ing Day” mission

• Fixed a bug that limited the player’s ammunition if the host entered the weapon cache during “Observe and Report”

• Fixed an issue where the Host would remain on the waiting screen after the Partner Player had chosen to cancel the “join new criminal venture” reveal cut scene

• Fixed a case where the player icon would disappear from maps when the host exits and re-enters the garage

• Fixed instance of Kakts Radio banners appearing when the Partner Player joins a co-op session

• Addressed cases of arms disappearing on Partner Player Bosses

• Fixed a bug where both players were unable to use skills, if one of them had the “Riot Shield” equipped

• Fixed an occasional crash when both players exit to the Main Menu

• Fixed a bug where the Partner Player could lose functionality within the Main Menu after selecting DLC content

• Resolved an issue where the Partner Player sees the world loading while waiting to join a co-op session

• Fixed a couple of cases where the Partner Player could see the “Content Unlocked” pop up twice during a co-op session

• Fixed a case where improper messages could display between the Host and Partner Player when unlocking DLC.

For an expanded guide to co-op please visit co-op guide.

Stability / Crashes

• Fixed an issue where the player could crash while being idle at the HQ

• Reduced instances of accidental player deaths in Observe and Report in both co-op and single player sessions

• Fixed a case where the train could derail after completing the Mayhem tutorial. Choo choo!

• Fixed instances of infinite loading screens during conversation with Chalupacabra Manager

• Fixed a crash during co-op when restarting from checkpoint in the “Take Me to Church”

• Fixed an instance where players could encounter an infinite loading screen when restarting from checkpoint during “Making Rent”

• Fixed a crash when loading the “Chop Lifting” side hustle

• Fixed a crash that could occur during prolonged fighting at high notoriety

• Fixed an infinite loading screen that could occur after the “Clear the Lead” truck objective in “Observe and Report”

• Fixed a crash that could occur in co-op if both players chose to exit to main menu during the first customization screen in the opening scene

• Fixed a crash that could occur for the Host player during co-op while near the HQ

• Fixed a case where @cha instance would not complete after defeating all enemies

• Fixed a soft crash that could occur in co-op when two players were using the Style App during the “Arm Yourself” objective in “Corporate Retreat”

• Fixed instances of infinite loads while using the Style App during a mission

• Fixed a bug where an infinite loading screen could occurring after jumping off the train when the final cutscene is triggered in “The Great Train Robbery”

• Resolved a soft crash when the container fails to count for the objective during the “chopper” activity

• Fixed a case of a soft crash when building the “Wuzyers Repo” Criminal venture. The game will no longer repo your fun!

• Addressed an issue where the player could become soft crashed when the prank tutorial appears when the “Content Unlocked” interface is displayed

• Fixed an instance where the player could crash while in Santo Ileso while on the High Framerate setting

• Fixed an instance where the player could soft crash when pausing the game.


• Fixed a case where Neenah could fail to drive to the graveyard in “Breaking Ground”

• Fixed an issue where the Empire Map would be invisible with empty lot circles in “Breaking Ground”

• Fixed a soft crash that could occur after placing “Bright Future Disposal” in “Breaking Ground”

• Fixed a lighting transition at the beginning of “Networking”

• Fixed a case where the player could skip the conversation with ally NPCs in “After Party”

• Fixed a bug where the player was unable to restart from checkpoint or restart mission after talking to Kevin. Damn it Kev!

• Fixed an issue with Sergio getting up after being hit by El Lanzador in “The Great Train Robbery”

• Fixed a soft crash that could occur during “The Great Train Robbery” after killing all the enemies in the first car

• Fixed a case of Marshall units not attacking the Player in “Take Me to Church”. We will be speaking to their supervisors

• Fixed an instance of loss of control after attacking the Nahuali with the Thrustbuster or C4.

• We now properly grant the “Doc Ketchum Horse” collectible after “Aggressive Recruiting”.

• Fixed a bug where the boat would suddenly stop during “Going Overboard”

• Fixed a case where the Nahuali would prevent the player from entering a vehicle in “The Frontier”. Get in Boss, we’re going on an adventure

• Fixed a soft crash where enemies would disappear if the player moved far enough away from the mission area in “A Piece of the Action”

• Fixed multiple failure screens that could occur when the player is killed during “Be Your Own Boss”

• Fixed ammo being taken away from the KA-1 Kobra Pistol after completing “Making Rent”.

• Fixed cases of frozen pedestrians during “Donut Run”

• Fixed jukebox audio repeating itself in “Idol Threats”

• Fixed area warning display radius in “Non-Compete Clause”

• Fixed animation issue with Gabriel in “Neenah’s Car”

• Fixed a mission progression issue in the “Interrogate Gabriel” objective during “Neenah’s Car”

• Fixed an invulnerable NPC in “The Forge”

• Fixed a infinite loading screen that could occur when opening the “Community Sharing” menu during the “The Fast and The Foodiest” mission dialog

• Fixed a soft crash where Kevin could not be revived after reaching the second drive through window in “The Fast and The Foodiest”

• Fixed an issue where “Good Cop / Bad Cop” would fail to progress if the last container was hit by the helicopter

• Resolved an issue where the player falls after aborting or completing a mission in an airborne vehicle.


• Fixed some incorrectly named items on console versions

• Fixed instances of re-mapped controls not appearing correctly on the button map

• Fixed the disappearing On/Off toggle for crew customization when restoring defaults

• Custom color button now functions correctly while in contrast settings

• Removed some instances of placeholder text in the brightness options menu

• Correctly added background color to some text boxes.

• Correctly spawning the objective timer UI while in “Laundromat” for players who completed “Insurance Fraud” first

• Fixed the player being prevented from opening the Skills or Perks menu while inside a vehicle

• Fixed some instances of the upgrade costs not displaying while in the “Friendly Fire” menu.

• Fixed instances of the back button not being available

• Resolved an issue which caused players to be unable to select any options on the Main Menu

• Re-centered the XP gain icon

• Fixed an instance of the “Roof Riding” tutorial popping up if the player had been taken down while riding the roof of a vehicle

• Fixed an issue with the weapon wheel displaying the incorrect weapon when quick swapping.


• Fixed the logo display for the Dreadnought

• Fixed an issue with upgrade kits being lost after selecting vehicle presets in the garage

• Adjusted High Glare intensity

• Added controller rumble while drifting on heavy vehicles

• Fixed a case where the driver of a hijacked vehicle would not properly ragdoll when being kicked out of a vehicle

• Fixed a case of the player re-spawing as a ragdoll after being killed in a vehicle

• Fixed an issue that caused the yacht to behave erratically when picked up with a tow cable. Calm down, yacht

• Fixed cases of vehicle doors inflicting damage to the player when exiting certain cars

Ambient Life

• Fixed issues where Factions, police, Saints NPCs, and vehicles would sometimes fail to spawn after extended gameplay sessions

• Fixed instance of police and faction spawns not occurring properly within certain world districts.


• Fixed a bug where NPCs would perform their sit animation after being killed while exiting a vehicle

• Adjusted scripted NPCs so they could take combat actions

• Adjusted the sync of Friend NPC revive animation

• Fixed a case where the Pineapple Express skill would kill enemies instantly or play in the wrong direction


• Adjusted cooldown timer for certain challenge lines

• Fixed a case where music from the “Bright Future Disposals” Criminal Venture would sometimes keep playing

• Fixed certain cases of vehicles having their radios turned off by default.


• Fixed a case where the camera could clip at the end of “Unto the Breach”

• Fixed cases where the camera could clip through props in “Observe and Report”

• Fixed an issue were the camera occasionally would get stuck under the map while drifting into garages at high speeds

• Smoothed camera movement when entering certain interiors

• Fixed inconsistent camera acceleration when moving the camera back and forth


• Fixed several instances of unsupported characters being displayed

• Fixed missing translations in the Korean language.


• Fixed a bug where the lower forearms could disappear when wearing some jackets

• Fixed instance of shadows flickering while rotating the boss in the Wardrobe

• Fixed a bug that did not properly allow the player to preview helmets will having a hat equipped

• Fixed instances of the player character appearing next to the car upon entering garages

• Fixed an instance of missing skin textures with specific gloves equipped

• Resolved instances of hairstyles clipping into Headbands

• Chicken Ned outfit coloring options are now displayed correctly


• Fixed an issue of the MDI-101 Multi Launcher’s signature ability not unlocking after completing the weapon challenge

• Multikills will now also increment the counter for the AS3 Ultimax weapon challenge.

• Fixed a case where the player could lose functionality while dodging with an empty magazine

• Fixed a bug where the minigun ceased to work after overheating

• We have adjusted the damage on Sawed-Off Shotgun

• Fixed a bug where the player could lose functionality if they were interrupted during a reload

• The Panteros Thumper is now available while vehicle surfing.


• Fixed a case of ambient spawns sometimes blocking access to the garage location in Lakeshore North

• Fixed instances of missing textures in the eastern edge of Rojas Desert North and South

• Fixed holes seen from a distance at the tops of certain buildings in the Financial District

• Fixed cased of the dust storm effect playing while inside of shops.

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