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Cities Skylines – Sports Venues – Content Pack Review

Sports Venues makes up the 3rd pack from the Cities Skylines World Tour round 2 and it’s fair to say we’ve saved the best till late.
You can check our mini-reviews for the disappointing African in Miniature and the good all-round Shopping Malls packs, but now it’s time for some sporting action thanks to the Sports Venues Content creator pack from BadPeanut.

As you might expect, Sports Venues brings us a variety of sporting venues to add to our Cities, I know many cities will have multiple sports teams, some often have multiple teams for the same sport, so the barebones stock offering never felt enough for injecting some sport into our creations.
This pack doesn’t just give us options, it gives us plenty of options, and is pretty close to perfect for a small £4.99 content pack.

With 11 unique buildings in total adding a variety of large stadiums from baseball and American football to the proper Football we have here in England that Americans like to call Soccer.
There are also 10 more leisure additions covering soccer, Australian Football, American Football, Baseball and even Cricket which give you plenty of options for when you want some sporty leisure additions with limited space and even a stadium-station.

For those large stadiums, there’s also the option to change the team’s colour, which also swaps around the seat colours, and as an added incentive, the more accessible you make your stadiums, the more fans will attend, and your local team will play better and win more as a result. There’s even the option to make small modifiers such as free public-transport on match days.
It’s a lot of content for the low £4.99 asking price, which makes this easy to recommend.

All stadiums, sports fields and assets look great, although there was a graphical glitch on one stadium, which made it look like a rock formation was floating around the field, I’m sure it’ll be resolved soon enough, but when there’s so many choices for stadia, it’s easy to bypass that one initially.

Another mention is the overall attention to detail, whether it’s the players running around the pitch, or fans arriving and waiting near the stadium around matchday.
While Africa in Miniature felt underwhelming and Shopping Malls delivered what was expected, but not a lot of it, I find Sports Venues is a content pack that approaches “Must Buy” territory.
Every city will make use of a number of these assets and whether it’s the incentive to win matches, or just make your leisure industry feel more alive and realistic. This pack is one of, if not the best content pack addition to Cities Skylines.

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