
Gaming, Technology and other stuff

Lee’s Game of the Month: February 2023

Each month we’re going to have a closer look at one game that I’ve enjoyed the most.

Throughout February, I’ve been pretty busy with reviews for Fashion Police Squad, Ten Dates, Cities Skylines: Remastered, Wanted: Dead, Pinball FX, Remoteness, Sim Airport, Catan: Console Edition and finally Chef Life: A Restaurant Simulator. (You can click the titles to check out the full review for each game).

As well as Atomic Heart, Hi-Fi Rush, Goldeneye and updates for Power Wash Simulator and Vampire Survivors, and regular time on Fortnite and Orcs Must Die 3 with the wife, I look back and I’m surprised exactly how much I’ve managed to cram into 4 short weeks.

A honorable mention goes to Pinball FX (28 hours), Wanted Dead (19 hours) and SimAirport (15 hours) for consuming so much of my time, but the game I’ve enjoyed the most has to be Cities Skylines: Remastered.

I’ve always enjoyed simulation and management games, especially when insomnia regularly kicks in and I’m awake until 4 or 5am wanting to play something a little more chilled.

But the arrival of Cities Skylines: Remastered has reignited a love for city building, for both me and my wife and while on GamePass it’s still been a costly exercise as we picked up all DLC supported by the remaster (twice).
Saying that there’s so much I’ve hardly scratched the surface of, and I know like Planet Coaster, it’s a game I’ll keep going back to time and time again for months and years to come. I only feel bad for Jurassic Park Evolution 2 because I’ve not even made a start on that one.

The decision to crown Cities: Skylines Remastered as my game of the month is helped by its impressive 88% review score, thanks to improving on the original in so many areas and bringing the popular city builder into the next generation.

I’m sure sometimes we’re going to be showcasing a game I’ve not personally reviewed but if you want to know more about Cities Skylines: Remastered, you can check out my full review right here.

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