
Gaming, Technology and other stuff

Long Dark DLC coming Early 2023

TALES FROM THE FAR TERRITORY launches on Xbox, and early in 2023. Releasing in multiple drops over the course of a 12-month campaign, TALES FROM THE FAR TERRITORY significantly adds to the world of Great Bear Island and the game’s core Survival foundation, with new Regions, new Gameplay, and new objective-based Tales.


  • Three new Regions, connected by the long travel zones and hub region. The first of these Regions, “Forsaken Airfield”, and the travel zones all launch with the Expansion Pass. The other two Regions will be released over the course of the 12-month campaign.
  • Three Tales, narrative-themed Challenges that take place within your Survival game, each revealing insights into the Far Territory’s mysterious history.
  • New gameplay systems including: Transponder, Travois, Safehouse Customization, Trader, Complex Recipes for Cooking, and new Item Variants. We’ll share more info about each of these features on the larger Expansion Pass site we’ll be launching closer to release.
  • 20+ minutes of new Survival music (10+ minutes included in the first Drop).

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