
Gaming, Technology and other stuff

MS Games reveals brands involved in AirportSim in Devdiary.

Airbus, Goldhofer, and Wizz Air are among the licensed partners cooperating with MS Games studio on the first simulation game focusing on the work of ground crew at the airport. AirportSim will launch in 2023 on PC and Xbox Series X|S.

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – October 31st, Warsaw, Poland.

In the first Developer Diary, AirportSim’s creators are broadening our horizons by sharing more details about their creative process, some stages of making simulation games, and their approach to development focused on creating a sim game as realistic as possible.

As we all know, game development is a complicated and challenging process, so it’s always great to have a little sneak peek behind the scenes and gain a better understanding of what the whole ordeal is all about. MS Games studio gives you this chance in their newest video, where you’ll learn, among other things, where the idea for their game came from, as well as the process of creating individual 3D models, so they are the best representation of those from reality.


AirportSim is a contemporary and realistic simulator that gives you the chance to take your first step into the world of civil aviation as an airport ground handler. Whether you’re a beginner in this genre or a pro that knows the ins and outs, AirportSim – with its realistic graphics, real-life models of airports, licensed machines, dynamic weather conditions, three different gameplay modes, and a team of experts supporting its development – will deliver you the fun, challenge, and setting of a genuine airport apron.


AirportSim starts where Microsoft Flight Simulator ends. While the aircraft’s arrival at the gate is the end of its journey, it’s also the beginning of the ground crew’s duties. Welcoming passengers, offloading baggage, refueling large planes, pushing them back for departure – all that and more await those willing to start their career in ground operations.

You have to remember that in this line of work, efficiency, time, and precision all matter equally. Whether it’s a tug, tanker, air bridge, or even a luggage belt, they all handle differently and are affected by various weather conditions.

This especially applies if you perform real-life tasks on licensed airports and aircraft since Airport Sim is being developed with multiple civil aviation industry companies, ensuring it’s as realistic as possible.
That’s also why dynamic weather conditions were implemented in the game. On open tarmac, with gale-force winds blowing or a violent thunderstorm sweeping by, you’ll be forced to change the dynamic of your operations.

Combined with online and local co-op and the Free Roam, Scenario, and Challenge modes to meet your skills and needs, Airport Sim will be a game like no other.


Realistically reproduced airports – Warsaw, Vágar, Keflavik, and Key West, with more to come as DLC.
Recreated licensed vehicle models based on manufacturer documents and blueprints.
The world’s most popular aircraft types – Boeing 737 MAX and Airbus A320 NEO.
Diverse game modes – Free Roam, Scenario, and Challenge.
Online and local co-op.
Real-time weather pulled from active METAR data.
Weather customization that allows you to change different parameters.
Realistic simulation of time and the position of the sun depending on the geographical position, date, and time of year.
Accurate in-game tasks based on documented knowledge and interviews with real-world airport ground handling staff.
Steam Workshop implementation, allowing you to create your own aircraft skins and gameplay scenarios.

AirportSim is being developed by the Polish studio MS Games and will launch on Xbox Series X|S and PC in 2023.

More information about the game can be found on Steam, the official website, Facebook, YouTube, and Discord.

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