Hamburg, February 21, 2023 – RIFT offers 15 days of free Patron status to all new and returning audiences!
This is a great time for players to jump into the MMO RIFT. From tomorrow running through until March 8th, players who log into RIFT will receive 15 days of Patron Status – starting from the day of the login. Additional bonuses that come along with this are as follows:
- BONUS EXPERIENCE – 40% XP boost helps players level up faster, up to level 60. There is also the option to toggle this off for a more relaxed experience.
- OVERLORD – Minions love a good Overlord, earning +5% XP on each of their ventures.
- MOUNTED COMMAND – Players can travel faster with +10% mount speed, +25% faster mounting, and a -5% chance of being dismounted.
- MARVELOUS LUCK – Players are rewarded with an increased chance for marvelous loot from supply loot crates.
- PATRON FAST PASS – Players have the ability to teleport on the move without the use of a Porticulum once every 30 minutes, no matter where on the map they are.
In addition to the above, RIFT players can also indulge in the following server events.
- 24/2 – 27/2, players can enjoy +50% Dungeon Currency bonuses.
- 3/3 – 6/3, players can multiple their Planarite by +50%.
If you want to start playing or looking for more information surrounding RIFT, please visit here.
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