
Gaming, Technology and other stuff

Payday 3 – Robbing banks can be stressful

Payday 3 is just around the corner and gamers will have chance to check their stress levels (and stress test the servers) before release thanks to a recently announced open beta.

Deep Silver and Starbreeze announce that PAYDAY 3, the ultimate co-op heist shooter fantasy, is hosting a Technical Open Beta from September 8th to September 11th. The goal is to stress test the servers for the upcoming launch on September 21st. The Technical Open Beta will require no key to access and feature the same content as the technical closed beta test conducted in August 2023. It is based on a game version from April 2023 and not a final representation of PAYDAY 3. This Technical Open Beta allows the development studio to identify potential upcoming issues with the servers prior to launch.

The PAYDAY 3 Technical Open Beta will offer:The original gang: Dallas, Hoxton, Chains and Wolf. The iconic clown-masked characters that made the PAYDAY franchise infamous are all playable.No rest for the wicked is a PAYDAY 3 bank heist, that charges the players with relieving a small bank of the cash cluttering up their vault. It’s their own choice to go stealth without anyone noticing how the cash evaporated or go loud to really experience that NYC robbery feeling.

All difficulties will be playable, level cap is Infamy Level 22 and Weapon Level Progression is at 8. More information about the Technical Open Beta can be found on the PAYDAY website Aspiring heisters can access PAYDAY 3 Technical Open Beta at:

Payday News Update: Steam Store page: Xbox Insider Hub App

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