It’s been a while since reviewing my last game and feel like I’ve not posted a review in ages, lets have a look into REPLIKATOR and what it has to offer.
Replikator is sci-fi title that will have you wanting more and wishing you didn’t start playing this game because it will play with your mental health, what I mean by that the game is constantly testing your patience with creatures and traps repeating killing you at every corner over and over again.
You’ll find yourself dying quiet a lot in this title R-Games and meridanz have really excelled themselves with this Indi Sc-fi title, you’ll take control a hero who must destroy all creatures and all AI’s that want to stop you in your tracks and making sure you do not progress the stage and try to save the day.

Being stopped in your tracks so many times over and over again, you will find there is a small shred of light that you get from being killed again and again, because of this you’ll return back to your central space station this will help you learn from the past events and deaths.
Which is a massive benefit to you and being able to learn from the last and of your previous death’s as you’ll know where not to stand or shoot ” It’s a learning curve”. trust me when you play the game you’ll get to understand what I mean.

When you spawn after your death this does give you the option and the opportunity to spend all resources you’ve gathered on previous lives, this will help you improve you and your ship, or evening arming yourselves with new special items such as new gear new guns, health packs and the ultimate gift more ammo, lets be honest you’ll need it.
The Combat is fast paced in parts with the more levels you open, but with the various guns you can use from shotguns, bazookas to even beams of light you’ll be able to wipe a room in sharp haste and its possibly the best part if the game killing and decimating all.
This twin stick shooter is easy to navigate, and the controls make the game play and movement a breeze on the Xbox controller I really didn’t have any issues with the motion or sensitivity, it really is well balanced.

Each level you play you are on a space station and feels like your working your way through giant mazes, as you walk and open each door more of map becomes visible to you. You’ll need to gain access to key cards to open areas that are restricted during the game. The main aim of the game is to clear and obliterate anything that moves, once this has been done, you’ll have the option to the next stage by defeating a giant alien blob or AI which can only be described as a end level boss.
Replikator can be completed on easy mode but moving It to a harder setting is where the fun is, the game itself can be completed in a couple of hours so the longevity of this game will ultimately be down to the setting you’re playing on.

If your up for a challenge Replikator is an absolute monster of a shooter and reminds me a lot of the games I used to play back in the days back in the 80s – 90’s and reminds me a lot of Smash TV, however if you’re an achievement horde this maybe the game for you as there are a few achievements to gather.
Replikator is currently priced on the Xbox Store for £9.99 and for the price and longevity the price is where it needs to be, however the tough gameplay does make the game rewarding and the achievements you’ll receive.

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