
Gaming, Technology and other stuff

The Entropy Centre – One we almost missed

Launching XboxOldies at the start of the month, it’s natural we didn’t catch all the new releases but released on my birthday, The Entropy Centre is one game I wish I’d seen earlier.

I first caught glimpse of the Entropy Centre on the stream of a good friend Cassie and the first-person, puzzle-based gameplay tickled all sorts of Portal memories inside me as she used a weapon to dismantle and rebuild a walkway to access another area of the map.

It looks fun, taxing and very playable, so we wanted to highlight this awesome game, that was released a few weeks ago.
It’s out now and available via for only £23.99.

The Entropy Centre currently sits at a fantastic 83% on OpenCritic, but check back soon be wise we will have our own full review soon.

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