
Gaming, Technology and other stuff

The Möbius Machine Review.

Hey all it’s been awhile and today I’m back with The Möbius Machine a game where you need two kill machines and various mobs whilst searching to escape and to find your way home.

The Möbius Machine is a side scrolling action adventure game produced and made by Madruga Works, the game is incredibly large and what I mean by that you have the option to free roam collecting items to help you in your ultimate quest which is to get you home and kills some strange looking mobs.

You start of by learning the ropes after a crash landing while trying to do your job as a cargo transporting guy taking parts and shipments all over the galaxy, when suddenly you receive a destress call, which you try and investigate when all of a sudden you crash due to a engine malfunction or something and end upon a crazy unknown planet.

Your mission is to return home, however this is not an easy task I thought the game would be an easy side scroll to the next section type of game but how could it be that easy.

The whole game is all about exploration and to find the next control panel to open the next section or wall or what other hellish item stops your progression in exploring the level.

After starting the game you get too pick what difficulty you would like to play, after picking this you get to roam around in your spacesuit carrying no more than and little gun, as you start to understand the basis controls which I can confirm that they work well on the controller and are easy to achieve, jumping moving shooting its way to do much fun.

The game play itself is quiet standard you’ll move left you’ll move right and up and down, jumping from ledge to ledge while dodging alien plant shaped spikes. you’ll need to work out how and which terminals to unlock as activating these terminals will unlock doors and areas you’ll need to get to to progress, while you are navigating around the various sectors you’ll find blueprints for new weapons that can be crafted whilst also gaining new abilities.

The combat is not bad and were I would expect the game to be, the weapons can feel clunky at times I just feel sometimes when your attacking a mob you may have to crouch or jump and the aiming of guns just sometimes feels off and you’ll loose half of your life and end up dying.

The Graphics in The Möbius Machine are in 3D and even thou the game play is in 2D, I have to say its quiet nice and pleasing on the eyes in parts, just in some parts it feels likes the last place you’ve been if that makes any sense.

The Mobius Machine is a well balances 2D action adventure, and it actually plays quite well, there are actually quite a few hours of gameplay and you’ll get about 20 hours out of it so I think its worth its worth of £20.99. If you want a try before you buy, there’s a free demo available on Xbox Series X/S.

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