Tactical beat ‘em up Treachery in Beatdown City
arrives on Xbox consoles alongside new update on the 27th April.
The Ultra Remix update brings three times the amount of new content with music, maps and enemies for PC and Switch owners.
And that’s not all, three times the amount of content, with six to eight hours of new gameplay, will also be
available in the Ultra Remix update, free to existing owners on PC and Nintendo Switch from April. This
includes, but is not limited to, eight new maps, over 80 new enemies from fascist cops and preppy cyclists
to affluent punks and even ninja terrorists, all new attack moves and defence gameplay mechanics, and
more new music.
Treachery in Beatdown City turns the traditional beat ‘em up on its head through a mixture of classic beat
‘em up mechanics and smart humour. Play as three unlikely, yet incredible, everyday heroes with their
own unique combat abilities as they scour Beatdown City to save the kidnapped President Blake Orama.
“Three years ago, we released Treachery in Beatdown City, which saw many years of turmoil in our lives,
into the world on fire. A lot of people saw something special in the game and we were very lucky for that.
Treachery in Beatdown City has always been an extremely personal project, and I was very proud of the
work we accomplished,” said Shawn Alexander Allen, lead designer. “Now we’re making it even better,
and we’re finishing off a story that is very near and dear to my heart. I’m excited for all of our fans, and
everyone who’s never played it before to get a look at the most important game of my career.”
Treachery in Beatdown City: Ultra Remix DLC will be available for $19.99, with 75% off on PC and Switch
on April 27th and free for existing owners of the game.
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