
Gaming, Technology and other stuff

Trove’s Shadow’s – Spooky Return.

Gamigo has announced that the annual Halloween event is returning with brand new additions

Hamburg, October 17, 2023, 6pm CEST  – The hallowed Shadow’s Eve event is returning to Trove for the Halloween season, bringing some new rewards along with it.  The event will be available from the 17th of October to the 1st of November.

Trovians will be able to explore the Jack O’Lantern dungeons, collect pumpkins in the Pumpkin Patches, and craft Q’resbane at the Shadowy Station near Wolfsly in the hub.  Trovians will find that the Haunted House has returned to the Hub, adorned with new jack o’lantern decorations, along with some familiar faces from previous Shadow’s Eve events who are now handing out Shadow’s Eve Pumpkin Coins.

Fun new rewards will include 2 Allies, the Bodiless Steed and the Pumpkin Patch Carver, unique Shadow’s Eve themed weapon styles, and the Pumpkin Patch Prancer mount (say that 5 times fast!) who’ll allow players to fly with their own wings attached to his back.  All rewards should be available for players who fully participate in the event.

Make sure to check out the spooky Shadow’s Eve event for Halloween!

Live for all platforms for Trove on October 17.

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